Friday, April 11, 2008

my new favorite band: tenth avenue north

i heard a song called "love is here" on the radio the other day from this new band tenth avenue north, so i went looking for them online.

there haven't been too many albums lately that i've just HAD to have, but i think this is going to be one of them. watching the following clip about this group has really touched me and i'm excited to hear more from them. i pray that they have huge success, not to lift up their own name, but because i think their hearts are in the right place and i'm excited to see where God takes them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SAYING!! THe album is AWESOME! I'm so excited for it! I can't wait for the album and I ordered mine from Family Christian StoreS and got two songs to download and the CD autographed! If u want some sweet songs right away go here and get them